MCR Safety FR Gear
Vintage Flame Resistant FR Jeans
Light Weight and Stretchable Material
Blue Denim Cotton and Spandex 

FR Jeans meet NFPA 70E and 2112 requirements

WaistInseam Part No.
30" 36 P2D3036
30" 38 P2D3038
30" Unhemmed P2D30U
30" 32 P2D3032
30" 36 P2D3034
32" 30 P2D3030
32" Unhemmed P2D32U
32" 32 P2D3232
32" 38 P2D3238
32" 34 P2D3234
32" 36 P2D3236
32" 30 P2D5030
32" 30 P2D3230
34" 34 P2D3434
34" 30 P2D3430
34" Unhemmed P2D34U
34" 36 P2D3436
34" 32 P2D3432
34" 38 P2D3438
36" 38 P2D3638
36" 30 P2D3630
36" 36 P2D3636
36" 34 P2D3634
36" Unhemmed P2D36U
36" 32 P2D3632
38" 32 P2D3832
38" 38 P2D3838
38" 34 P2D3834
38" 30 P2D3830
38" Unhemmed P2D38U
38" 36 P2D3836
40" Unhemmed P2D40U
40" 36 P2D4036
40" 34 P2D4034
40" 30 P2D4030
40" 38 P2D4038
40" 32 P2D4032
42" 36 P2D4236
42" Unhemmed P2D42U
42" 38 P2D4238
42" 34 P2D4234
42" 32 P2D4232
42" 30 P2D4230
44" 38 P2D4438
44" 30 P2D4430
44" 34 P2D4434
44" 36 P2D4436
44" Unhemmed P2D44U
44" 32 P2D4432
46" 34 P2D4634
46" 36 P2D4636
46" Unhemmed P2D46U
46" 30 P2D4630
46" 32 P2D4632
48" 34 P2D4834
48" 38 P2D4838
48" 30 P2D4830
48" 32 P2D4832
48" 36 P2D4836
48" Unhemmed P2D48U
50" Unhemmed P2D50U
50" 38 P2D5038
50" 36 P2D5036
50" 34 P2D5034
50" 32 P2D5032
38 P2D4638

Flammability Standard 2

Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace®

Flammability Standard

Standard on Flame-Resistant Clothing for Protection of Industrial Personnel Against Short-Duration Thermal Exposures from Fire

UL Certified

These items are Third Party Certified by UL, a world leader in product safety and testing certification.

ARC Risk Category

CAT Rating 2 (CAT2) - Minimum Arc Rating of 8.0 cal/cm2

Technical Specifications

Fabric Type




Case Pack


Case Weight
